Partner: Rainier Beach Community Center; Seattle Public Library
Time: Year-round
Location: Rainier Beach Community Center; Seattle Public Library at Rainier Beach
Age Range: 7-Adults
* For more information on current and upcoming activities, please visit Events or contact Det. Cookie at 206.650.3621 (work cell) or
For nearly 15 years, Seattle Police Detective, Denise “Cookie” Bouldin, a youth specialist and liaison officer, has worked with thousands of youth, teaching them the art of strategy and patience.
With her fellow Seattle PAL officers, Detective Cookie runs a regular club on Tuesdays and Saturdays with dozens of students and teaches another 270 students at South Shore and Van Asselt schools. The skills her students acquire in chess stand them well in life. “The whole thing is to get them to concentrate and not move so quickly,” says Detective Cookie, a 43-year veteran of the Seattle Police Department.
Children and youth seven years and older are invited to participate; no experience is necessary.
In-person events have started again! (spring 2022)

You may register for this program through Seattle Parks and Recreation.

*Above – Pictures from the 2022 Detective Cookie’s Chess Park grand opening