4C program – Cops, Community, Cuts, Conversations

From Officer Aaron Lucas,

Four C’s is about building trust between Cops and Community and building better relationships through haircuts and conversation.

I initially started when the word got out about me being an ex-barber. I was invited to cut hair at a community event (FAST), representing SPD. I thought it’ll be a great opportunity to build relationships with the community. So, every year I have been invited to Father And Son Together events to provide my skills. https://www.fastfathersandsonstogether.org/

I also have provided the same services when I was an School Emphasis Officer, during SEAPAL events, Late Nights at the community centers, summer day camps and with the IF Project https://www.theifproject.org/ at YSC for the youth in detention to build a rapport and trust.”

Questions? email Aaron.Lucas@seattle.gov