Futsal / Soccer

Partner: South Park Community Center & Van Asselt Community Center
Time: (Winter and Fall ) January – March and September – December. 10am-1pm
Location: South Park Community Center gym & Van Asselt Community Center Gym
Age Range: 5-12 Years Old

* For more information on current and upcoming activities, please visit Events. **Program on hold for Covid**

Seattle Police Officers, community members, youth, and youth volunteers come together to learn a variation of soccer called Futsal. Simply put, Futsal is a modified form of soccer played with five players per side on a smaller, typically indoor, field. The youth were taught the basics of the sport, dribbling, passing, and teamwork mechanics. In addition to learning the sport, time was spent each week playing icebreaker games and other non-soccer related activities to make sure the youth were having fun and to give the officers and participants a chance to get to know each other.

South Park CC youth
Van Asselt CC youth

You may sign up for this program through —

South Park Community Center. 206.684.7451 or Sign up for the South Park Program online

Van Asselt Community Center 206.386.1921 or Sign up for the Van Asselt program online